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Saturday, 1 August 2015

Top 8 Most Common Myths About Sex

Top 8 Most Common Myths About Sex

Sexual intercourse is a necessary and one of the most happening things in the world. Every 2 minutes there is a probability of 5 couples having sex in the world and every 5 minutes there is a probability of 8 people ejaculating themselves irrespective of the gender.

As we talk about the most wanted topic as well as the most mythical facts of this topic, there is a list of facts which are taken so wrong by so many people that we have to aware them of it.

Top 8 Most Common Myths About Sex

So, beware before you read as it may contain facts that you may have been taking up wrong too, and think and endure from it for a better sexual life.

1. Unprotected Sex is Fine Because My Penis is the Personification of Precision

Unprotected Sex is Fine Because My Penis is the Personification of Precision

Even though you think you are the master of your small guy but this is where you go completely wrong. Just like all other organs your penis is controlled by a number of hormones and brain controlling units.

Hence, there can be a slight dismantle of the co-ordination and even a slight drop has the ability to provide pregnancy. So, BEWARE!!!

2. Premature ejaculation is for diseased only

Premature ejaculation is for diseased only

Just like the previous fact has its reason, this one is very much the same case. Most men and even women believe that premature ejaculation indicates some sort of a disease or weakness.

The fact remains that premature ejaculation affects nearly every other man at some point, during his lifetime. Anxiety, poor nutrition, fatigue or depression can cause this temporary problem in any man.

3. Fantasy during sex is bad

Fantasy during sex is bad

Sex is essentially your mind at work and nothing else. Until your mind is properly stimulated, even an overdose of sexual hormones or Viagra cannot help you perform greatly in the sack. If you think that a fantasy of any sort can raise your performance levels, just use it without any shame or doubt.

4. The born power of sex

The born power of sex

No one is born a sex god. Every one has to endure his/her sexual prowess by practicing and learning more about it. Watching your movie stars lose their virginity in style is a fiction and that is what it makes them a movie.

But, you need to know that even medical researchers have got to the level of just finding an appetite to increase your sexual power but it is still in progress.

5. Bigger the penis, Better the sex

Bigger the penis, Better the sex

This one fact is what all men should take away from their minds all the way. If you think and compare yourself from the ones in the x-rated movies, then your insecurity is about to get constant. If you know how to use your tool in an appropriate way, then size won’t matter much to you anymore.

6. Things have to be sensual to get it going

Things have to be sensual to get it going

Many people believe that there has to be utter privacy and sensual environment to get your switches turned on. But, if you have the ability to think erotically, then even a regular environment and clothing has the ability to bring it on to you.

7. If you were good at it, she should have orgasmed

If you were good at it, she should have orgasmed

This is another fact that has to be true to satisfy the male ego. But, to be honest only 3 out of 10 women can successfully attain the orgasmic high.

This is not a disorder but this is the ability to get high for a woman and if it is too much, then it is okay if you could not get her to get it done.

8. Menstrual cycles are the phase when you won’t get pregnant

Menstrual cycles are the phase when you won

A very common misconception is related to having sex during her periods. It seems that the entire world is convinced that unprotected sex during this phase cannot get a lady pregnant. Yes, according to scientific principles, this is exactly what should happen. However, the human body doesn’t function perfectly at all times.

There is always a threat of accidental fertilization. Secondly, the sperm can survive within the reproductive tract of the female for a few days. If a sperm survives beyond the assumed duration of her periods, pregnancy can occur.

Top 8 Most Common Myths About Sex

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