Ah, Marriage. As Frank Sinatra once said, “It’s an institution you can’t disparage.” But, before the marriage comes the wedding. Some weddings are nice, romantic affairs where the love that’s shared between the betrothed is palpable and real.
Countinuouse Top Unreal Photos of Wedding ==>>.
1. Oh My God, You Guys!
Look at the bride dressed in her white flowing dress. Isn’t she the very picture of happiness on her wedding day? You know what would be a memory that everyone will want to cherish? The bride walking through a field with the asses of the bridesmaids hanging out on full display. What a lark that would be! All right girls, get ready! And tell your butt cheeks to say, “cheese!”
2. A Wedding and a Show
The photographer surveys the wedding party, wondering how he’s going to get everyone to come out of their shells. “I know,” he says, “I’ll have everyone jump up at the same time!” So he gets behind his camera and issues his direction. Everyone jumps up in the air, and the photographer clicks his camera. Later on back in the studio, the photographer notices the bride’s dress and realizes what a stupid idea the whole thing had been.
3. Heaven Send Me An Angel
We’re pretty sure that the bride and groom here feel as if they’re a match made in heaven. Although, it’s honestly difficult to imagine that the groom would’ve been completely on board with this photo idea. More than likely, this reflects a demand that was made on the part of the brides demand that doesn’t bode well for their future marital bliss.
4. Domestic Violence
We get it, you want to have the “fun” wedding photograph, the one that shows just how humorous you and your spouse can be. There are plenty of ways to do this, all of which could work reasonably well. One thing that’s probably not a good idea, though, is to make your “fun” wedding photograph one that depicts you and your spouse fighting with each other…
5. Let’s Cut The… Cake?
People spend months choosing the cake for their wedding, meeting with different bakers and sampling different recipes. How on earth did this couple decide on this cake? If you know what the cake above is supposed to be, you should let us know. Our best guess is that it’s supposed to be Jabba the Hutt. However, it’s impossible to tell what it’s supposed to be from this angle. It just looks like a giant turd.
6. More Tiny People
Seriously what is up with this tiny person trend in wedding photos? We’ve got a little bit of free advice for you: If you find yourself meeting with a wedding photographer, and he or she pitches this idea to you, promptly get up from where you’re seated and leave. And, don’t convince yourself that you can “do it ironically”. You can’t. It’s stupid, and you shouldn’t do it. Okay?
7. But, This One is Even Worse
If you thought the last one was bad, then get a load of this one. Clearly they’re operating off of the same metaphor, but have for some reason decided that the bride should be shrunk down so that she can fit in the palm of the groom’s hand. It’s enough to make you wonder why they just couldn’t settle for your normal wedding photograph…
8. Send This One Out to Pasture
This is another one of those “fun” wedding photographs. Here, the bride and groom decided to get their picture taken while they were out grazing with the cows, sharing a romantic embrace in their wedding finery. Unfortunately for them both, it looks like that cow on the right has more than a little interest in the groom’s posterior. Moo!
9. Here Comes the Queen
This one comes courtesy from a BBC program. In it Thelma Madine designs and makes “gyspsy wedding dresses” which, as you can see, are fairly outlandish. While it’s great that Thelma has carved out a market for herself, one has to wonder about the sanity of people who would willingly wear dresses like those above. Also, it seems like the photographer could’ve chosen a snap wherein the girl on the left is not smelling her hand.
10. Totes Adorbs!
Why can’t people keep it classy with their wedding photos? Is it Pinterest that’s to blame? Are there people sitting in front of their computers right now trying to outdo one another with dumb wedding photo ideas? Look, it’s great that everyone bears some relation to the bride, but do you all need to hold up signs about it? And what’s with some of these signs? Denver Airport? What?
Other weddings turn into giant messes. Sometimes it’s Bridezilla who lashes out, and other times the wedding guests get too drunk for their own good. Even worse, sometimes the wedding photographer gets it in their head that they’re the next Ansel Adams.
This results in some truly cringe worthy wedding photos. So, let’s take a look at some absolutely unreal wedding photos, some of which might make you swear of marriage entirely!
WTF: Top 10 Unreal Photos of Wedding
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